Our courses develop leaders engaged in the marketplace, academic, government, and not-for-profit arenas, helping them to achieve their potential for success and significance, contribute to more effective organizations, and serve their communities.

The Leader's Journey Program

Best-selling author Mark Miller’s leadership framework, The Leader’s Journey, captures essential leadership principles and best practices along four fundamental dimensions:

  • Lead Self - Becoming a Leader Others Want to Follow
  • Lead Others - Mastering the Fundamentals of Leadership
  • Lead Teams - Building a High Performance Team
  • Lead Organizations - Building a High Performance Organization

Global Leadership Skills Series

To survive and thrive in our increasingly volatile and uncertain global community, organizations can no longer think in terms of the single leader but rather a culture of leadership where everyone is able to contribute their unique talents to achieve a challenging vision.  For organizations to make that transition, they must address both the leadership perspectives and the foundational skills of their current and emerging leaders. Lead International has been providing workshops on these topics to a variety of global audiences and is now making that content available in the following courses.

  • Thriving in Change
  • Delivering Innovative Solutions
  • Creating Desirable Outcomes in Negotiations and Conflicts
  • Communicating with Impact
  • Discovering the Opportunity in Decision Making

Principles and Best Practices

Steve Collins, LEAD's Director of Global Training, guides participants through the Leader's Journey and Global Leadership Skills content. Videos and articles enable participants to engage concepts and practices at their preferred pace and in manageable chunks.

Reflection and Assignments

Reaching your leadership potential requires much more than just gaining knowledge about leadership. Participants will be challenged to think deeply about their own experiences and immediately apply what they are learning.

Individual and Group Coaching

Coaching sessions are offered to allow participants to reflect on what they are learning and to develop action plans. Additionally, discussion forums will enable community learning.

The LEAD Approach


  • Our relationship starts with a conversation so we can understand your needs and determine how we can help. This training program needs to reflect your vision, values, mission, and strategic priorities. Developing your staff is one of your most important investment decisions.


  •    We journey with you to create the learning plan that meets your needs.You have a preferred way to learn; we provide a variety of formats so you can determine pace, time, and depth. 

We are committed to providing you with the most cost-effective learning approaches. We let you pay for what you need. We love to help organizations who desire to invest in their people determine how to do that with a limited budget and busy schedules.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]